Mib Untraced Drivers Agreement

The Motor Insurers` Bureau (MIB) was established in the UK in 1946 to provide a safety net for victims of road accidents caused by uninsured or untraced drivers. The MIB Untraced Drivers` Agreement was created as a way to compensate victims in these situations.

The agreement is a legal arrangement between the MIB and the victim, and it provides a framework for handling claims. Under the agreement, the MIB will investigate the accident and make a decision on whether the driver is untraced. If the driver is deemed untraced, the victim can make a claim for compensation.

The compensation available through the MIB Untraced Drivers` Agreement is designed to cover losses that would have been covered if the driver had been insured. This includes compensation for personal injury, property damage, and loss of earnings.

To make a claim under the agreement, the victim must provide as much information as possible about the accident, including the time and location, the vehicles involved, and any witnesses. The MIB will then investigate the accident and try to identify the driver responsible. If the driver cannot be identified, the MIB will make a decision on whether the driver is untraced.

If the driver is deemed untraced, the victim can make a claim for compensation through the MIB. The process can be complex, and it`s important to seek legal advice to ensure the best possible outcome.

In summary, the MIB Untraced Drivers` Agreement provides a safety net for victims of accidents caused by uninsured or untraced drivers. While the process can be complex, it`s designed to compensate victims for losses that would have been covered by insurance. If you`ve been involved in an accident with an untraced driver, it`s important to seek legal advice to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

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